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We do our best to help Jamaican nationals, however:
- we cannot get you out of prison, prevent the local authorities from deporting you after your prison sentence, or interfere in criminal or civil court proceedings
- we cannot intervene in another country’s immigration policy or procedures to ensure your visa application is approved or to have your application reviewed if your visa request has been rejected
- we cannot give you legal advice, provide legal representation, investigate crimes or directly carry out searches for missing people. Where possible, we will refer you to the appropriate local authority or to the Agencies in Jamaica which may be able to assist you
- we cannot get you better treatment in hospital or prison than is given to local people
- we cannot purchase airline tickets for you to return to Jamaica and/or stand the cost of repatriating the remains of and/or burying loved ones
- we cannot pay bills or find you work or accommodation
- we cannot make business arrangements on your behalf or provide financial assistance for you to open or operate a business here in the UK, in Jamaica or in any of the countries to which the High Commission is accredited i.e. Finland, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Cyprus
- we cannot stand surety for you to secure loans for business, education or private purposes, or provide financial support for any related undertaking
- we cannot help you get leave to remain in the United Kingdom or endorse your leave to remain in a new or replacement passport
- we cannot finance business ventures and can only provide endorsements of certain projects which would have to be discussed in detail and comply with certain criteria